Make sure you have CREATE DEVICE permission to perform this activity. You need a device template with token based configured as the provider type. See post on

Install Pulse agent on gateway

  1. Download the package – click cog at top right of Pulse console, select “downloads”
  2. Download appropriate agent with wget – e.g. wget -O pulse.tar.gz
  3. Apply execute permissions to Pulse bundle sudo chmod +x pulse.tar.gz
  4. Extract bundle tar -xzvf pulse.tar.gz
  5. Navigate to Pulse folder cd pulse
  6. Run installer sudo ./
  7. Confirm agent service running with service iotc-agent status
  8. Reboot before proceeding

Enroll gateway to Pulse using token authentication

  1. Log in to Pulse console
  2. Navigate to Inventory > Devices > Register
  3. Enter a device name, associate with a device template that uses token authentication
  4. Select the new device > actions > create gateway credentials
  1. Click Create button, copy the new token. Note that after expiry time, token cannot be used to enroll device.
  2. On gateway, cd /opt/vmware/iotc-agent/bin
  3. Run the following command to enroll the device ./iotc-agent-cli enroll --auth-type=REGISTERED --token=YOUR TOKEN HERE
  4. You should see enrollment confirmation
  1. Your gateway is now enrolled

By Mitch

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